Channel # 118 A committed, colourful and rich channel, dominated by contemporary speech but retaining the authenticity of the East and the broad interest in culture. Featuring events debating from all political, religious, cultural and literary aspects. Read more
Hasan returns to Asfahan, where Zaid reassures him that many have joined their group. Al Tusi offers Hassan and Omar employment, appointing Hasan as the head of the Sultanate's secret house as a test of his loyalty and honesty.
A religious program presented by His Virtue Sheikh Faleh Bin Mohammad Al Saghir.
To each city its history, unique landmarks, and treasure of heritage and traditions. In a globetrotting journey, let's explore 100 cities across 100 episodes, uncovering remarkable aspects that set each one apart through mesmerizing pictures, fine music, and good times.
Unveil the evolution of Japan's military uniform, from merging traditional elements with European inspired styles, and including the Senninbari as a symbol of luck in the early 20th century, to adopting navy blue in 2018, as an emblem of Japan's alliance with the U.S.
A religious program presented by His Virtue Sheikh Khaled Bin Abd'Allah Al Musleh.
Explore the heavens and their vast horizons, and discover the inspiring power and wisdom of Allah (Be He Blessed) through scientific and religious perspectives, revealing the intricate beauty of the universe.
Live broadcast of the Al-Fajr prayer, or the morning prayer in the Holy City of Mecca, which is the first of the five obligatory prayers for every adult person. It consists of two rak'ahs; its time is from the beginning of dawn until sunrise; and it is a loud prayer.
Corn, an eternal grain, was first cultivated in Central America and crucial to the Maya civilization. It thrives in various environments, offers high fiber, and prevents constipation. Discover its sacred history, myths, and multi-purpose use.
Explore the spirituality of Ramadan and discover the greatness of worshiping Allah (BHB) through remembrance, supplication, Quran recitation, and good deeds. Relive inspiring moments with the Companions (PBUT), and uncover their profound love for Ramadan.
An episode devoted to talk about anger, especially during fasting, and the benefit of being patient during this holy month.
In the tense era before Damascus was freed from Ottoman rule, a neighborhood's influential figures clashed and conspired in resistance to the oppressive regime.
Every Muslim around the world experiences the spiritual essence of the holy month of Ramadan through customs and traditions passed down through generations. Delve into these practices, allowing hearts and souls to be revived with joy and happiness.
During the blessed month of Ramadan, we will learn throughout Al-Safwa program, about the prophets and the apostles who were chosen by God Almighty, and the companions Sahabahs whom God Almighty guided to accompany the Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him.
Live broadcast of Al Thuher prayer in the Holy City of Mecca, which is the second of the five obligatory prayers every day. It is a secret prayer consisting of four rak'ahs and is held at noon, except for Friday, so it is replaced by the Friday prayer.
The Sheikh explains to us the concept of the supplication of the fasting person and its importance during the adversity period.
Live broadcast of the Asr prayer in the holy city of Mecca, which is the third obligatory prayer of the day, and the number of rak'ahs is four. The time of the Asr prayer begins as the shadow of an object becomes like it after noon and extends until sunset.
Learn about white corn uses, rich history, and numerous recipes. This grain has been cultivated in Asia and Africa since ancient times. Known for its resilience to drought, it is the sixth most important grain globally, crucial for combating hunger and malnutrition.
Live broadcast of the Maghrib prayer from the holy city of Mecca, which is the first obligatory prayer at night, and the fourth prayer of the day, which is a loud prayer consisting of three rak'ahs, and the time for the Maghrib prayer begins with sunset.
Hasan leaks information about the Seljuk state and spreads lies about Imam Al Ghazali after feeling threatened by him. As Asfahan prepares to welcome Caliph Al Muqtadi Bi Amr Allah, Hasan incites one of his followers to kill him.
Live broadcast of Al 'Isha and Al Taraweeh Prayers in the Holy City of Mecca. Tarawih are special Sunnah prayers involving reading long portions or the whole Quran and performing many rakahs, which are performed only in the Islamic month of Ramadan.
Discover the American Civil War where the Galesburg and Gettysburg battles marked a turning point for the Union, with General Meade defeating Confederate General Lee in Pennsylvania, and the heavy casualties of this war inspired President Lincoln's famous speech.
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