See the hilarious and horrifying labors that land mothers in sticky situations from giving birth in the middle of the ocean to having a baby in the bathroom stall of a fast food restaurant, these successful birthing stories are a far cry from a typical delivery.
S1 E2: Petco Park Baby
A woman goes to a San Diego Padres baseball game and has a baby right there at Petco Park. A first time mom goes into spontaneous labor and gives new meaning to the words home alone!
S1 E3: Practical Joke Baby
A Texas woman plays one too many jokes on her sister so when she really goes into labor, it takes some convincing to get her big sister there to help! and a woman gives birth at an Orlando, Florida Fire station.
S1 E1: Chick-fil-A Baby
A first time mom gives birth in a Turkish hotel room using You Tube as her ‘how to’ guide, A California woman goes into labor in a local market the day after Christmas. A woman goes into labor in a Texas Chik-Fil-A bathroom and her husband becomes dad and doctor.
S1 E4: Driving and Filming Baby
A Texas woman gives birth to her baby on the way to the hospital and her husband captures it all on tape as he’s driving!. Later a Pennsylvania woman celebrates her child’s birthday at an amusement park, little does she know she’ll be celebrating two birthdays that day.
S1 E5: Zoo Baby
A Nebraska couple go to the zoo and leave with a lot more than they expected. An Idaho woman achieves the ultimate in multitasking – she gives birth in her pants while driving! A Kansas City woman goes to Walmart for the samples and leaves with a whole lot more!
S1 E6: Wedding Day Baby
A Texas couple race to the hospital but the car isn’t the only thing going 60 miles per hour. Michigan couple plan their dream wedding 8 weeks before their due date. Well, the plan unexpectedly changes.
S1 E7: All Natural Car Birth Baby
A couple can’t make it to the hospital in time and give a whole new meaning to the term convenience store. A Seattle woman thinks she has a large bowel movement but is in for the shock of her life! later a woman is having a baby in the car during a storm.
S1 E8: Self Drive Baby
A Missouri woman’s child birth experience is nothing at all like she imagines. An Arizona woman gives birth while driving herself to the hospital with her toddler in the backseat, A Montana woman gives birth on a freeway off ramp in Utah.
S1 E9: Front Lawn Baby
A Florida woman makes it to the hospital in the nick of time to give birth, or so she thought. A Florida woman ‘goes green’ for her childbirth. A North Carolina woman takes the flight of her life.
S1 E10: Three-Course Meal Baby
A couple brings their child into the world with a silver spoon in his mouth. A Michigan couple thinks they are completely prepared for the birth of their second child, but nothing could have prepared them for this.
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