Rome is a small empire on the edge of the Mediterranean. After several disastrous defeats, the Roman elite are forced to turn to a commoner, to shake up the army and save Rome!
S1 E3: Julius Caesar
60BC. Over-powerful generals and money corrupt the Roman Republic. With Rome falling into and out of civil wars, Julius Caesar is to defy all rivals and laws to make himself dictator for life!
S1 E4: The Forest Of Death
In 9 AD, a ferocious Germanic chieftain, Arminius, slaughtered General Varus' army at the Teutoburg Forest in a landmark battle that would define the edge of the empire.
S1 E5: The Invasion Of Britain
In 47 AD, new emperor Claudius was considered by many to be an idiot. The only way for him to hang onto his throne was to invade Britannia.
S1 E6: Dacian Wars
When Trajan was proclaimed emperor, he set out to rebuild the troubled empire and would see it reach its maximum extent of power.
S1 E7: Rebellion And Betrayal
In 162 AD, Marcus Aurelius inherited a rapidly growing Roman Empire, embroiled in a war on two fronts. But could he bring peace and prosperity back to the Empire?
S1 E8: Wrath Of The Gods
When Emperor Decius took control of the empire, he sought to restore the pagan gods. His reign saw persecution of Christians, before plague struck and the Goths invaded.
S1 E9: The Soldiers' Emperor
At the end of the 3rd century, one man rose from soldier to Emperor. Heroic Aurelian reunited the empire in just five years and became known as Restorer of the World.
S1 E1: The First Barbarian War
113 BC. Rome is a small empire on the edge of the Mediterranean. After several disastrous defeats, the Roman elite are forced to turn to a commoner, Marius, to shake up the army and save Rome!
S1 E2: Spartacus
As Rome was busy expanding her borders, a Thracian warrior, Spartacus, was to lead a 70,000-strong slave revolt within Italy that could have destroyed the Republic.
S1 E10: Constantine The Great
As Emperor of Spain, Gaul and Britain, Constantine proved himself as a leader and changed western civilisation forever, turning the empire towards Christianity.
S1 E11: The Barbarian General
Emperor Theodosius enlisted Goth mercenaries to fight for the Empire, but how did he ensure loyalty? By giving command to the half-Vandal, half-Roman general, Stilicho.
S1 E12: The Puppet Master
In 450 AD, Rome is a mere shadow of its former self. Gone is the superior civilisation and great expanses of land. As a barbarian, Ricimer could not become Emperor. Yet he held all the power.
S1 E13: The Last Emperor
A look at the demise of the Roman Empire. Despite efforts from the last Emperor, the Romans become outnumbered by foreign invaders.
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